As some of you may already know Doug Smith started GF Hardwoods and Moss Sawmills decades ago. Over the years he owned and operated several sawmills in local communities. Like most things time change and prices go up, so the Smith family made the decision to close the following mills:Hwy 61, Hwy 56, Allons and Livingston sawmills.
Granted, this decision had be very hard on the family to make, but they had to do what is best for the Smith companies and its employees. With failing economy and higher gas prices the only logical solution was to focus all efforts into one location, and that was Moss, where it all started. This would save fuel cost, labor and utility cost tremendously. The main downside with this was instead of three or more mills producing fine Appalachian lumber for GF Hardwoods, we now have only one. We try to run two shifts when log supplies are sufficient enough to do so. Ultimately the demand for the quality lumber that GF Hardwoods provides outweighs our current supply on some species.
So that is where our green lumber buyer comes in. His main job is to contact other mills in the Appalachian region and supplement some green lumber to keep the inventory were it needs to be. This market is very competitive, so top dollar prices need to be paid sometimes. This means less/no profit margins for the end product, but we need to keep the kilns loaded and workers at full time. Most suppliers want to have a diverse selling market so they get the best possible price for their lumber, so the lumber buyer needs to have a very good and honest relationship with the supplier.
Sometimes the sellers have a long existing relationship with a different buyer. The buyer here must respect this work bond and still try to make a relationship no matter how small at first. With time, respect and honesty, who knows? They might try you out on a couple loads. Give us a call for more information.