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Tim Smith Celebrates 48 Years at Smith Family Businesses

Writer's picture: April PattersonApril Patterson

Tim Smith recently celebrated his 48th year work anniversary at Moss Sawmills, a sister company to Honest Abe Log Homes, GF Hardwoods and Barky Beaver Mulch and Soil Mix.

Tim was honored by his fellow workers with a catered lunch, gifts and time to tell stories. 

“Tim said that when he started working with my dad, Doug Smith, 48 years ago, one of his first jobs was to pour concrete in the floor of one of the buildings Dad had purchased to begin his businesses in Moss,” said April Smith Patterson, who owns the Smith Family Companies along with her mother, Janie, and brother Shane.

April said that Tim recalled making the company’s first products, broom handles, and how at that time the lumber was actually worth more before they turned them into broom handles, hence the saw milling business was born or started soon after. 

Shane Smith calculated about how much lumber Tim had sawn during his 48 years.

“Since 1970, Tim has sawn roughly more than 200 million board feet, which totals to be 235,000 trailer loads of lumber,” Shane said, adding that, “Tim would have been the first true employee our dad hired since he started the establishment in 1968.”

The Smith family holds Tim in high regard as did Honest Abe’s founder, the late Doug Smith.

“Tim was and is recognized as one of the best overall employees we’ve ever had,” April said. “Dad and Tim were actually first cousins.”

One extra special gift given to Tim during his anniversary celebration was a Bible from Shane Smith and his family. In presenting the Bible, Shane shared a story of a young boy, age 12, who wanted a .22 Henry rifle for his upcoming birthday. He was so excited and made sure to tell his Dad along with cutting out a picture in the Sears Roebuck catalog so he’d get just the right one. When his birthday had arrived his Dad handed him a gift. It was a Bible. The little boy was upset and threw the Bible in the closet resenting that his Dad didn’t get him the gun he had asked for. Time passed and the boy’s father passed away. Once that happened the little boy was cleaning out the home place and found the Bible in the closet he had thrown in so long ago. He opened the Bible and – low and behold – there was the picture of the Henry .22 rifle with the $200 in it. There was a surprise for Tim inside the Bible he was given in appreciation for all Tim’s years of service, dedication and loyalty.

“The answer to all problems in life can be found in the Bible, and I can’t think of a better gift to give someone,” Shane told the team.

The Smith family then handed out Bibles to the rest of the staff who wanted one. 

“We are so thankful and blessed to have Tim as an essential piece to our success from the beginning and look forward to as many more years as he wants to work in the future,” Janie added, expressing the entire family’s sentiments, “Congratulations Tim! We love you!”


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